Recipes of Anti-Aging Facial Masks Made of Natural Ingredients

The most expensive cosmetics contain ingredients that can not be considered to be wholesome for your skin. If you want to get rid of aging related attributes, it makes more sense to give preference to homemade masks made of natural products. You can find such products at home in your fridge or at the nearest store. They are cheaper and they lack harmful side effects if you do everything according to the recipe. You should apply the prepared concoction along facial massage lines using a sponge. Once applied, rinse it by alternately using warm and cool water over and over again.
Here are the recipes for rejuvenating face masks made of natural ingredients:
- Based on using beer and olive oil. Take 1 tbsp of oil and 1 tbsp of beer. Add 1 tbsp of lemon juice and the white of a single egg. Roll gauze into 3 layers and soak it in the mixture. Put the gauze on your face for 25-30 minutes.
- With onions and honey. Grate a small onion on a fine grater. Add 1 tsp of honey and add the same amount of any vegetable oil to the mixture. After mixing the ingredients, apply a thick layer onto your skin for 20 minutes. It’s best to apply this rejuvenating face mask before going to sleep so that the spicy smell disappears before the next morning.
- Based on fatty cottage cheese. Combine 3 tbsp of cottage cheese with 10 ml of aloe vera juice. Mix the ingredients and apply the composition onto your skin for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water followed by cold water.
- With sea salt and a chicken egg. First, beat the egg. Then, add 1 tsp of sea salt. Immediately spread this mixture over your skin with a thin layer and let it rest for 20 minutes. It’s a very effective anti-aging mask and you shouldn’t do it more frequently than once every 10 days.
- Based on yeast and cucumber pulp. Mix about 20 ml of warm boiled water with 5 g of yeast. Leave it to rest for 5 minutes. Peel a piece of cucumber, grate it and mix it with yeast. Add 1 tbsp of flour. Apply the resulting composition with a thin layer onto your skin. Rinse it off in 20 minutes.
Only fresh ingredients can be used to prepare anti-aging face masks. They should have no signs of rotting. After the procedure, wipe your face with a piece of ice and apply a moisturizer.
What is the effect of anti-aging face masks made of natural ingredients:
- Swelling goes away, bags under the eyes decrease
- Inflammatory processes and flaking disappear
- The outline of the facial oval-like structure becomes more clear
- Deep wrinkles become less noticeable and small ones partially disappear
- The surface of the face becomes opaque and velvety
- The complexion becomes healthier
Take into consideration that nutritional compositions that include butter, sour cream and cottage cheese should be made before going to bed. Light moisturizers based on yeast and sea salt can be applied in the morning.