Jogging: Benefits, Contraindications, Frequency and Differences Between Morning and Evening Classes

Jogging is one of the most easily accessible types of physical activity. It has specific features that make it as good for your health as it can possibly be.
Key features
Running as a form of sports training is characterized by a large number of advantages. They are expressed in the following:
- Maintaining the normal functioning of the body. Runners have a good cardiovascular system, their heart muscles get stronger and the risk of heart attack or stroke is minimized dramatically. Their immunity is typically rather strong.
- Strengthening the muscles. Thanks to running, they become more elastic and remain in good shape.
- Feeling cheerful. The active work of the lungs contributes to the saturation of organs and body tissues with oxygen. Due to this, there is a surge of strength and the mood improves.
- Endurance training. After jogging, strength training is easier to endure and it provides a greater positive effect.
- Getting rid of excess weight. Running as a kind of cardio training is considered effective for weight loss.
An important advantage of jogging is its positive impact not only on the physical but also on the psychological state. This effect is achieved due to dopamine being synthesized during such sessions.
Jogging has specific benefits for men and women.
In the case for women, there is an improvement in the functioning of the reproductive system. Light jogging is considered especially useful during menopause.
For men, the beneficial property of running is expressed in the synthesis of hormones that enhance potency. Another plus is the prevention of early impotence by activating the work of brain centers that affect sexual desire.
An impressive list of advantages doesn’t mean that absolutely everyone can run. Like any kind of physical activity, this sport has certain contraindications:
- Severe arterial stenosis
- Chronic uncontrolled hypertension
- High degree of myopia
- Serious damage to the ocular retina
- Severe omission of internal organs
- Aggravated chronic diseases
- Colds (regardless of the presence of elevated body temperature)
- Diseases of the spine and joints (hernias, severe arthritis, osteoarthritis, etc.)
Another contraindication is various pathologies of blood vessels and the heart. This is especially relevant for heart defects. If you previously had a stroke or heart attack, jogging is prohibited during the first three months of recovery. Afterwards, you’ll be allowed to run only after a consultation with a cardiologist.
Limiting factors
In addition to contraindications, you should take into account the limiting factors before you start jogging.
The first such factor is if you are the age of 60 years or older. For people who have safely reached it, running is allowed only in the absence of serious health problems. If a person has never practiced such activities before the specified age, it’s necessary to undergo a medical examination and obtain medical advice. In the absence of objections from the doctor, you should start running gradually. Opt for an easy pace and avoid overloads.
The second limiting factor is pregnancy. In the absence of health problems, jogging is allowed in the first trimester. In the second trimester, it’s allowed provided that there are no sharp height differences or obstacles in the area where you run.
In the third trimester, jogging is entirely prohibited. It can harm both the child and mother, provoke bleeding and can lead to other negative consequences.
Frequency of classes
The above-listed advantages of jogging are achieved only on the condition that sessions are regularly performed. But the regularity depends on the experience and training of a particular person.
Beginners are recommended to run 3-4 times per week. A couple of days should be devoted to strength exercises. At least one day per week, you need to rest not only from running but also from any other sports activities. This mode will enable you to achieve the following results:
- Accustom your body to the workload
- Minimize the risk of injury
- Help the body recover naturally
- Prevent emotional burnout and the desire to quit training
It’s necessary to abandon daily jogging because it can cause the following negative consequences:
- Increased impact load on the joints
- Muscle overstrain
Such conditions can provoke health problems that will require serious treatment. They won’t allow you to not only run in the future but also to engage in any other sport.
Jogging daily is allowed only for those who are athletes which meet the following conditions:
- Have sufficient training and running experience
- Properly organize the recovery process- which includes varied nutrition, a full sleep, a massage, a visit to a sauna, etc.
Unlike for beginners, daily jogging is not an intense load for professional runners. It helps to maintain the basic level of physical fitness and recover properly after competitions.
The duration of the run at the initial stage should be 15 minutes. Then, you can increase the time gradually. The individual duration of classes is determined by the combination of the following factors:
- Well-being
- Intensity of classes
- Climatic conditions
- Physical fitness
The maximum duration of a jogging session shouldn’t exceed 1.5 hours.
Time to run
There are morning and evening runs. They deliver different effects.
Morning runs
Jogging in the morning suits those who want to get a boost of energy for the whole day or lose weight. There are several time intervals for morning runs:
- From 4 to 5 a.m.
- From 6 to 7 a.m.
- From 8 to 9 a.m.
- From 10 to 11 a.m.
You need to choose one or another interval taking into account your own biological rhythm, work schedule and place of residence. In any case, you can’t go for a run right after waking up. It’s necessary to give your body at least an hour to wake up.
If the goal of running is to get rid of extra pounds, you’re allowed to drink a cup of sweet tea and eat whole-grain bread in the morning. Such a breakfast will enable you to turn on your metabolism and use fat cells to provide the body with energy during exercise.
If jogging is not a method to lose weight, you’re allowed to eat something from the following list before going out on your run:
- Sandwich with vegetables
- Porridge/ oatmeal (oats, buckwheat, rice, barley or millet)
- Omelette
- Fruits (grapes, bananas or dried fruits)
- Special sports nutrition
The main rule before jogging in the morning is to refrain from eating fast-digesting carbohydrates (bread or muffins).
Regardless of whether your goal is to lose weight or not, you need to eat 40-60 minutes after jogging in the morning. Otherwise, your body will begin to consume muscle mass. For breakfast, it’s better to choose healthy foods (proteins and long-chain carbohydrates) that will energize you for the whole day.
Jogging in the evenings is recommended for people who are classified as owls according to their biological rhythms. Here are the advantages of such runs:
- Experience a change after a busy day or get rid of emotional stress
- Ensure good sleep
The disadvantage of running in the evenings is that it’s difficult to find strength for it. You need to show discipline and overcome laziness. It’s best to run 30-40 minutes before bedtime to avoid overexertion. Plus, it’s advisable to choose short distances. Then, you’ll genuinely be able to benefit from evening jogging. It’s not recommended to have dinner after such a session. You’re allowed only to drink tea or eat an apple.