Jazz Training (Jazzercise)

There are different fitness disciplines based on dance moves. One of them is Jazzercise.
Key Features
The term Jazzercise characterizes a kind of dance fitness that combines elements from various disciplines:
- Yoga
- HIIT training
- Strength training
- Dance aerobics
- Hip-hop
- Kickboxing
Another feature of Jazzercise is that the exercises are performed to jazz music. Because of this, this fitness discipline is also called jazz training.
This training was invented in the late sixties of the last century. Its author was the American dancer and dance teacher Judy Misset who wanted to provoke interest in her students. The main purpose of the classes was to lose weight quickly just by dancing.
After several decades, jazz training hasn’t lost its relevance and continues to be popular. It’s suitable for people who want to achieve the following results:
- Improve strength performance
- Make the spine more flexible
- Get rid of extra weight
“Jazzercise” shouldn’t be confused with another popular type of dance training — Zumba. The latter also puts a strain on the whole body. But in Zumba, special attention is paid to the development of coordination abilities.
This fitness discipline differs from classical step aerobics and classical aerobics because it doesn’t require you to constantly keep your body muscles in good shape. During the training, the spine is actively involved. Any of its joints can become the center of the outcoming movement.
Advantages and Disadvantages
The benefits of Jazzercise training are as follows:
- Normalizing the functioning of the heart and blood vessels and minimizing the risk of heart disease
- Increasing blood supply to organs
- Forming a beautiful posture and strengthening the spine
- Enhancing the immune system
- Improving metabolic processes in the body
- Preventing bone density reduction
- Working out the muscles of the abs, inner thighs, buttocks, and other areas that are considered problematic
- Training the sense of rhythm
A special advantage of jazz training is its energy consumption. Up to 600 calories are burned in one session. Due to this, the effect of weight loss becomes noticeable after three weeks of regular exercise.
Jazzercise is beneficial not only for physical health but also for the psychological state. Exercises performed individually or in a group with jazz musical accompaniment contribute to a rise in mood and performance. After training, a positive mindset remains with you for a long time. The ability to better withstand stress gets formed.
On the one hand, the energy consumption and intensity of Jazzercise workouts are the benefits that help you lose weight as well as become stronger and more resilient. On the other hand, it’s a significant disadvantage for people with insufficient physical training. It will be difficult for them to master Jazzercise.
Due to the serious workload on the body that jazz training provides, it’s contraindicated for people with the following health problems:
- Traumatic brain injury
- Bronchial asthma
- Diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and musculoskeletal system
- Diseases of the psyche and nervous system
The period of carrying a child and recovery after childbirth is also considered a contraindication to Jazzercise training.
Age is not a reason to give up such activities. If a person at their age lacks serious illnesses and has good physical training, they can train. The main thing is to get medical advice beforehand.
Training Plan
Like most fitness disciplines, Jazzercise features the following blocks:
- Warm-up
- Main part
- Cooldown
The main block lasts about 20 minutes and consists of seven basic exercises.
The first is performed according to the following scheme:
- Stand up straight with your feet together.
- Transfer the weight of your body to your left leg.
- With your right foot, take a step to the right, straighten your knee, and put your foot on the toe.
- At the same time, pull up your right hand, clench your fist, and pull your left hand behind your back.
- Return to the starting position.
- Change the legs and perform the same actions.
Move on to the second exercise:
- Stand up straight with your feet together.
- Take a wide step to the left, bend your knees, and slightly spread your toes.
- Stretch your arms along your body.
- Transfer your body weight to your right side.
- Pull your left leg to the left until your toe touches the floor.
- Stretch your arms up and to the right, clenching your fists.
- Bend your elbows and lower your palms to your collarbones.
- Return to the starting position and repeat the movements in the opposite direction.
For the third exercise, act as follows:
- Stand up straight, with your legs slightly wider than your shoulders.
- Slightly bend your knees and place your arms along your body.
- Having straightened your legs, bend your left arm at the elbow and raise it to the shoulder so that your fist touches your chest.
- Pull your left hand to the side.
- Act similarly with your right hand.
- At the moment when your right and left arms are extended to the side, make a rotational movement with the pelvis to the left.
- Resting your palms on your hips, bend your knees slightly, pulling back your pelvis.
The fourth exercise is performed in the following sequence:
- Standing up straight, spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders.
- Bend your knees slightly and place your arms along your body.
- Transfer the weight of your body to the right side and straighten your right leg.
- Bend your left leg and pull it up to your stomach until your hip is parallel to the floor surface.
- Bend your right arm at the elbow and press it up against your body, with your hand up. Hold your left hand along your body.
- Turn your right arm to the side, bend it, and raise it to the shoulder, touching your chest with your fist.
- Take a step to the left with your left leg and straighten your knee.
- Place your feet in parallel.
- Perform the same movements in the other direction.
For the fifth exercise, stand up straight, put your feet a little wider than your shoulders, and perform the following actions:
- Place your arms just below the iliac bones.
- Rotate your body to the right and to the left by turning the corresponding shoulder. Make sure that your pelvis remains stationary.
- Lean forward and backward, making backbends and rounding your lower back.
The sixth exercise is done this way:
- Stand up so that your feet are slightly wider than your shoulders.
- Bending your knees and resting the palms of your hands on your hips, slightly tilt your body forward.
- Transfer your weight to the right, straighten your both legs and let your left toe rest on the floor.
- Pull your body up and to the right, holding your arms along your body.
- Redirect your weight to the left side and bend your knees a little.
- Stretch your torso up and to the left.
- Put your right foot on the toe.
For the seventh exercise, stand up straight and hold your feet together. Then, jump up, alternately spreading your legs and bringing forward your right and left leg while in the air.
In the standard version, the exercises from the first to the sixth are repeated four times. The seventh exercise is performed for half a minute.
In some cases, you should practice in a circular pattern. The described seven exercises are performed without resting. Then, stop for 1-1.5 minutes. The number of circles is chosen individually, based on your strength.