How to Properly Use Protein to Sculpt Your Muscles?
Protein is a vital macronutrient for the organism. It’s essential to realize in which amounts one should consume it every day. Some people consume almost twice as much of this component as needed. For others, it might be a challenge to obtain a sufficient dose of protein from their meals. This might lead to a weakened immune system, hypertension and poor bone health.
The calculation of the proper amount of protein should be based on multiple indicators. Your DNA, the condition of your gut, body composition, physical activities and diet all matter. To put it differently, there is no universal formula to detect how much protein you require every 24 hours. Below, we’ll analyze the information about the arguments in favor of protein intake, its optimal sources and several of its disadvantages that you should remember.
How much protein is it necessary to take every 24 hours?
As we already stated, the optimal dose is calculated individually. The average recommended intake is 46 g for females and 56 g for males (or 0.72 g per 1 kg of body mass). For the majority of the population, it’s sufficient. However, it may not be enough for those who’d love to eliminate excessive weight or sculpt or maintain muscles. For example, research has shown that the consumption of 1.4 g per 1 kg of body mass is the ideal proportion for those who’d like to sculpt muscles or drive down weight.
It’s crucial to accompany increased protein consumption with fitness to sculpt muscles. This may be powerlifting, HIIT or resistance training. Besides, combining a protein-rich nutrition plan with resistance exercises can enable humans to burn fat while sculpting muscle (professional sportsmen call it “recomposition”).
If you only wish to become skinnier, then, you can also benefit from protein-rich nutrition plans. Eating more protein allows you to preserve the current volume of your muscle mass and control your appetite — provided that you avoid consuming more calories than your organism processes per fixed time period. Plan your meals responsibly. Wholesome sources of protein that let you become skinnier feature eggs, salmon, black beans, low-fat dairy products and nuts.
The top protein sources
Experts recommend consumers should avoid protein powders. These are products with a high degree of processing that tend to contain a large amount of added sugars and fats. Overindulging in processed meals can drive up the hazard of cardiovascular diseases or obesity as well as cause inflammatory processes with digestive disorders (think of irritable bowel syndrome).
Opt for whole plant sources of protein: beans, peas, lentils, nuts, soy or alternative legumes that are nutritious and rich in fiber. The top sources feature all nine essential amino acids and very little saturated fat. Some of the excellent options that tick these boxes are animal proteins like chicken breast, fish, eggs and Greek yogurt. Plus, there are vegetable variants like soy, beans and orache. It’s necessary to remember one fact. The organism absorbs protein from meat better than from vegetables — but fresh research has proved that the difference is not too drastic.
Arguments in favor of protein
The key virtue of this substance is to ensure the daily functioning of the organism. Protein is indispensable not only for preserving muscle but also for repairing tissues, strengthening immunity, producing enzymes and generating energy. A balanced nutrition plan with lean meat, seafood, dairy products, eggs, nuts, seeds and whole grains guarantees that the organism absorbs protein as intended.
Meals with nutrient-rich protein help humans more efficiently maintain blood sugar levels and eliminate cravings for junk food as well as enhance well-being, mood and cognitive function. Research has also demonstrated that boosting protein intake can contribute to healthy aging, enhanced athletic performance and appetite suppression. It’s paramount for individuals who seek to sculpt muscles or preserve their volume.
Is it possible to overdose on protein?
In spite of its countless merits, you may go too far with protein, which will negatively affect your liver and kidneys. These are the symptoms of overdosing that you should be aware of:
- Intestinal gases
- Unplanned weight gain
- Abnormal urination frequency
- Abdominal pain
- Muscle spasms
- Itchy skin
It’s paramount to know whether overdosing can lead to another health issue, like a deficiency of fat or carbohydrates. According to nutritionists, this tends to be the cause of nutritional deficiencies and imbalances.
Research has shown that selected individuals consume more protein than recommended, predominantly from steaks, eggs and poultry. For those who intend to sculpt muscles and become stronger, boosting the daily dose of consumed protein to high levels is quite normal provided that they systematically perform some variety of resistance exercises — for example, powerlifting. If you don’t exercise with weights, boosting the daily intake of protein can lead to a higher body mass — because you drive up your intake of not only this component but also calories in general.