Home Workouts. Tips for Composing a Workout Session
Working out at home is not an easy task. A large number of factors distract us and prevent us from concentrating. It’s necessary to overcome this habit and devote time to physical exercise because the state of our health depends on it.
Make a training schedule and stick to it.
It’s not necessary to work out daily. It all depends on your fitness level. Don’t forget about rest and recovery, which are very important after training.
A training schedule that contains 3 to 5 classes per week would be optimal. Decide in advance on the days of your classes — for example, Monday, Wednesday and Friday or any other days. By observing the training discipline, you’ll steadily achieve the results as well as boost your strength and endurance levels.
It will be efficient to alternate strength, cyclic and cardio training. After you decide on the training days, assign a specific type of activity to each particular day. For example, strength training on Monday (or any other day) and 20-30 minutes of pleasant cardio exercises on Wednesday. Make sure your workout sessions differ from each other so that they complement each other and boost the effect by each parameter.
The training process at home.
The duration of the training process at home depends on the level of your physical fitness. The optimal duration of a home workout that includes a warm–up, the main part and supplements is 60 minutes.
During each workout at home, focus on your feelings. When you’ll be getting started, fatigue and laziness will make you feel confused and demotivated. To develop a habit of working out, it’s necessary to force yourself to complete a full set of exercises first.
But, in spite of this, don’t continue training if you feel a sharp pain in your joints, muscles, tendons and especially your heart.
Here are the exercises that don’t require any extra equipment:
- Push-ups from the floor or any elevated object. They help develop the pectoral muscles, triceps and shoulder girdle as well as provide a static load on the muscles of the core (press).
- Squats. They make the quadriceps (thigh muscle), buttocks and leg stabilizer muscles work as well as provide a static load on the lumbar region.
- Jumping out. An identical squat exercise with a difference in the final phase. Jump up from the position of a full squat, making your calf muscles work at the same time.
- Lunges. Train the muscles of your legs, buttocks and core.
- Burpee. A highly effective exercise that includes a plank, push-ups and jumping out. It makes your almost whole body work.
- Lifting your body or legs. Dynamic exercise to strengthen your abs and oblique muscles of the core.
- Plank. Static exercise that develops your abs, oblique muscles of the core, shoulder girdle and buttocks.
Drink enough water.
Water is extremely important for the training process. It performs the functions of thermoregulation and metabolism.
As a result of one workout, your body can lose up to 3 liters of water. Of course, it depends on many factors, such as intensity and duration of the training, air temperature and body volume.
By timely drinking the necessary amount of water, we prevent dehydration. If your pre-drink 200-400 ml of water, it will help your organism warm up properly.
If the duration of the workout exceeds an hour and a half, it’s recommended to consume 0.5-1 liter of water. Drink water during your training session in small portions every 10 to 15 minutes.
Don’t forget about water on rest days and drink enough of it to “flush” your body. Other drinks such as coffee, tea or juice don’t substitute the function of water and the body perceives them differently. Water has the property of rapid absorption into the digestive tract. From there, it enters the blood and helps the body cleanse itself from toxins and processed products, at the same time delivering the necessary substances throughout the body.
Train outside or at home and stay healthy!