Dry Shampoo

Dry shampoo is a popular hair care product. It has certain properties and it makes sense to study them before use.
Key Features
The term “dry shampoo” is applied to a hair care product that has the following features:
- Available in a non-standard form (powder or spray)
- Contains absorbent substances in its composition
Thanks to the presence of absorbents, dry shampoo performs its primary function — it removes external impurities, sebum and residuals of cosmetic products from the hair and scalp.
Starch and small clay particles as well as oatmeal, corn and rice extracts can perform the same function of an absorbent in such type of shampoo. Apart from them, the following components are present in the composition:
- Essential oils
- Aromatic fragrances
- Antibacterial substances
The essential feature of dry shampoo is that it can’t be used constantly and it is not able to fully replace regular shampoo. This product is recommended for use in rare cases when it’s impossible to wash your hair in a conventional way:
- Lack of water supply in the house
- During long trips while traveling
- When staying in nature for a long time
- If necessary, to make your hair look clean and well-groomed in a short amount of time
The advantages of using dry shampoo are expressed in the following:
- Hair care requires a minimum amount of time
- No need to wash off the product
- Hair becomes more manageable and the process of styling it becomes simpler
Another positive feature of this shampoo is its ability to prolong the effect of curling, coloring and keratin straightening of curls.
Along with its positive properties, the dry shampoo also has disadvantages.
The first one is its inability to clean the hair the way a regular shampoo does.
The second drawback is the short duration of the impact. After applying the product, the hairstyle remains fresh and neat for no longer than 7 hours.
Shampoo in its dry form is useless for very oily hair that has been washed three or more days ago.
Another negative point is that dry shampoo isn’t suitable for taking permanent care of curls. Regular use of such a hair care product is fraught with the following consequences:
- Over-drying of the scalp
- Appearance of dandruff
- Deterioration of the condition of the hair
Compared to regular shampoo, the dry counterpart is more expensive. This can also be attributed to its disadvantages.
Types of dry shampoo
The key criterion for classifying dry shampoos into different types is their form factor. Based on this, several varieties of dry shampoo can be distinguished.
Shampoos in the form of aerosols in cans are the most common option. They’re as convenient to use as can be and provide extra volume to your hairstyle. Among the disadvantages in this variety, it’s necessary to note its rapid consumption and the inability to determine how much is left in an opaque can.
The use of dry shampoo in the form of an aerosol involves the following actions:
- Thorough combing of hair.
- Parting them in such a way that there is access to the roots.
- Shaking the can and spraying its contents on the hair roots from a distance of about 15-20 cm.
- Light massaging of the roots to better cleanse them of sebum and dirt.
After such manipulations, leave the product for 5 minutes and comb the hair. If necessary, repeat the listed steps once again.
Another form of dry shampoo is powder. It’s packaged in sachets or containers with dispensers that resemble pepper shakers. A package of powdered shampoo can have a volume of 50 – 1,000 g or more. This option is ideal for business trips and other long trips.
Unlike an aerosol can, shampoo powder takes up a minimum of space, cleans the hair more efficiently and has a smaller consumption rate. But, during the use of such a product, the risk of staining clothes increases.
You should use shampoo powder like an aerosol. The only difference is that you’ll have to apply it to the roots with your hands. To do this, you need to pour a small amount of the product into the palm of your hand in advance.
The third type of dry shampoo is a compressed substance in the form of small bars. Unlike powder, such a product won’t crumble and it’s consumed more economically than the other types of dry shampoo.
Another advantage of this type of product is that it often contains additives in the form of essential oils and components with antibacterial properties. Due to these properties, the hair gets less damaged and looks healthier.
According to the method of application, shampoo in the form of a bar differs from powders and aerosols. There are two ways of using it:
- Soften the product to a powdery state (it takes a long time)
- Use a bar in the form of a brush to stroke your hair
Manufacturers of dry shampoo bars usually indicate on the packaging what the optimal method of using their products is.
Regardless of the form in which dry shampoo is used, it’s extremely important to comb it thoroughly after application. Otherwise, the residuals of the product can provoke irritation of the scalp, dandruff and even allergies.
Poorly combed particles of dry shampoo will be noticeable in your hair. It will create an untidy and unattractive appearance. This is especially true for dark curls.
Tips on choosing
To enable dry shampoo to effectively cope with its function and not cause any problems, you should choose it correctly. It’s necessary to focus on the following aspects:
- Composition. Small particles of clay provide volume. Organic absorbent substances clean the hair. Oils nourish the hair and provide a pleasant aroma. Antibacterial additives aren’t mandatory components. Their presence is important only to those who take their dry shampoo on vacation into nature. Allergy sufferers should pay special attention to this type of composition.
- Form factor. For a hiking trip, it’s better to choose a bar and for home use an aerosol. Such powder is suitable for short-term trips on vacations or for work. When choosing a specific form, it’s worth considering the convenience of using it for a particular person.
- Shelf life and packaging condition. The organic components of dry shampoo have a short shelf life. After it runs out, such components become harmful to the hair. Damaged packaging negatively affects the quality of the dry shampoo, too.
- Fragrance. In dry shampoos, it’s rather obvious and persistent. Products with apple, peach or cherry flavoring in their composition stand out thanks to their more or less unobtrusive smell.
Cost is another important selection criterion. A good dry shampoo won’t cost less than a conventional one. But it’s not necessary to buy super expensive products and overpay for a specific brand. It’s recommended to find the golden-mean option, in which the price correlates with the quality. Consumer reviews will help you with this.
When deciding on the use of dry shampoo, you should remember that this product is contraindicated in the presence of skin diseases in a chronic form. Examples of such diseases are seborrheic and atopic dermatitis.
Psoriasis is considered another contraindication. Substances present in the shampoo can provoke a relapse of this disease.
If you have issues with your scalp and doubts about the use of dry shampoo, you should contact a trichologist for professional advice.