Category: Fitness


Interval Training

Interval training stands out among all the other types of physical exercises. Initially, professional athletes practiced it as a preparation for competitive exercises. Today, people use it to get rid of excess weight and...


Cardio Training

Cardio training is a certain kind of sports activity which is aimed at achieving different types of results — such as: improving your well-being, strengthening the cardiovascular system and losing weight. Before trying this...


Benefits of Regular Exercise and Physical Activity

Physical activity is indispensable for maintaining overall health and well-being. Systematic physical exercise provides multiple benefits for the body and mind. In particular, it drives down the risk of chronic diseases, improves mental health,...


Zumba Fitness: Losing Weight thanks to Dancing

Zumba is a mix of fitness training and Latin American dancing. No weights are used during Zumba fitness classes. If regular workouts seem too boring for you, then, Zumba may suit you perfectly. There...